Source code for tsplib95.fields

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re

from . import transformers as T
from . import exceptions

__all__ = [

[docs]class Field: """Contains base functionality for all fields. The default value can be a callable, in which case it is invoked for each call to :func:`get_default_value`. The default can be set on an instance or as a class attribute, but the class attribute is only checked when the field is initially created. :param str keyword: keyword (typically all caps) :param default: a default value or callable that will return a default """ default = None def __init__(self, keyword, *, default=None): self.keyword = keyword self.default = default or self.__class__.default def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__qualname__}({repr(self.keyword)})>'
[docs] def get_default_value(self): """Return the default value. Callables are called for a default value to return each time. :return: the default value :rtype: Any """ if callable(self.default): return self.default() return self.default
[docs] def parse(self, text): """Convert text into a value. This must be implemented in a subclass. :param str text: :return: a value """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def render(self, value): """Convert a value into text. This must be implemented in a subclass. :param value: a value :return: text :rtype: str """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def validate(self, value): """Validate a value. Raise an exception if the value fails validation. The default implementation does nothing. :param value: a value :raises Exception: if the value does not pass validation """
[docs]class TransformerField(Field): """Field that delegates to a :class:`~tsplib95.transformers.Transformer`. :param str keyword: keyword :param callable transformer: transformer to use """ def __init__(self, keyword, *, transformer=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(keyword, **kwargs) = transformer
[docs] @classmethod def build_transformer(cls): """Construct an appropriate transformer for the field. :return: transformer :rtype: :class:`~tsplib95.transformers.Transformer` """ return T.Transformer()
@property def tf(self): if self._tf is None: self._tf = self.build_transformer() return self._tf @tf.setter def tf(self, value): self._tf = value
[docs] def parse(self, text): """Parse the text into a value using the transformer. :param str text: text to parse :return: value """ try: return except exceptions.ParsingError as e: context = f'{self.__class__.__qualname__}({self.keyword})' raise exceptions.ParsingError.wrap(e, context)
[docs] def render(self, value): """Render the value into text using the transformer. :param str text: value to render :return: text """ try: return except exceptions.RenderingError as e: context = f'{self.__class__.__qualname__}({self.keyword})' raise exceptions.RenderingError.wrap(e, context)
[docs] def validate(self, value): """Validate the value using the transformer. :param str text: value to validate """ return
[docs]class StringField(TransformerField): """Simple string field."""
[docs] @classmethod def build_transformer(cls): return T.FuncT(func=str)
[docs]class IntegerField(TransformerField): """Simple integer field.""" default = 0
[docs] @classmethod def build_transformer(cls): return T.FuncT(func=int)
[docs]class FloatField(TransformerField): """Simple float field.""" default = 0.0
[docs] @classmethod def build_transformer(cls): return T.FuncT(func=float)
[docs]class NumberField(TransformerField): """Number field, supporting ints and floats.""" default = 0
[docs] @classmethod def build_transformer(cls): return T.NumberT()
[docs]class IndexedCoordinatesField(TransformerField): """Field for coordinates by index. When given, ``dimensions`` stipulates the possible valid dimensionalities for the coordinates. For exapmle, ``dimensions=(2, 3)`` indicates the coordinates are either all 2d or all 3d, whereas ``dimensions=2`` indicates all coordinates must be 2d. The check is only enforced during validation. :param dimensions: one or more valid dimensionalities """ default = dict def __init__(self, *args, dimensions=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.dimensions = self._tuplize(dimensions) @staticmethod def _tuplize(dimensions): # helper to accept either a tuple, a single value, or None try: return tuple(iter(dimensions)) except Exception: return (dimensions,) if dimensions else None
[docs] @classmethod def build_transformer(cls): key = T.FuncT(func=int) value = T.ListT(value=T.NumberT()) return T.MapT(key=key, value=value, sep='\n')
[docs] def validate(self, value): super().validate(value) cards = set(len(coord) for coord in value.values()) if self.dimensions and cards not in ({dim} for dim in self.dimensions): error = ('all coordinates must have the same dimensionality ' f'and it must be one of {self.dimensions}') raise exceptions.ValidationError(error)
[docs]class AdjacencyListField(TransformerField): """Field for an adjancency list.""" default = dict
[docs] @classmethod def build_transformer(cls): return T.MapT(key=T.FuncT(func=int), value=T.ListT(value=T.FuncT(func=int)), sep=('-1', ' -1\n'), terminal='-1')
[docs]class EdgeListField(TransformerField): """Field for a list of edges.""" default = list
[docs] @classmethod def build_transformer(cls): edge = T.ListT(value=T.FuncT(func=int), size=2) return T.ListT(value=edge, terminal='-1', sep='\n')
[docs]class MatrixField(TransformerField): """Field for a matrix of numbers.""" default = list
[docs] @classmethod def build_transformer(cls): row = T.ListT(value=T.NumberT()) return T.ListT(value=row, sep='\n')
[docs]class EdgeDataField(TransformerField): """Field for edge data.""" default = dict
[docs] @classmethod def build_transformer(cls): adj_list = AdjacencyListField.build_transformer() edge_list = EdgeListField.build_transformer() return T.UnionT(adj_list, edge_list)
[docs]class DepotsField(TransformerField): """Field for depots.""" default = list
[docs] @classmethod def build_transformer(cls): depot = T.FuncT(func=int) return T.ListT(value=depot, terminal='-1')
[docs]class DemandsField(TransformerField): """Field for demands.""" default = dict
[docs] @classmethod def build_transformer(cls): node = T.FuncT(func=int) demand = T.FuncT(func=int) return T.MapT(key=node, value=demand, sep='\n')
[docs]class ToursField(Field): """Field for one or more tours.""" default = list def __init__(self, *args, require_terminal=True): super().__init__(*args) self.terminal = '-1' self.require_terminal = require_terminal self._end_terminals = re.compile(rf'(?:(?:\s+|\b|^){self.terminal})+$') self._any_terminal = re.compile(rf'(?:\s+|\b){self.terminal}(?:\b|\s+)') # noqa: E501
[docs] def parse(self, text): """Parse the text into a list of tours. :param str text: text to parse :return: tours :rtype: list """ text = text.strip() if not text: return [] match = # terminal must terminate, if required if not match and self.require_terminal: terminal = text.split()[-1] error = (f'must terminate in "{self.terminal}", ' f'not {repr(terminal)}') raise exceptions.ParsingError(error) # trim the terminal if present if match: text = text[:match.start()] # split the texts and filter out the empties texts = self._any_terminal.split(text) texts = list(filter(None, texts)) if not texts: return [] # convert the tours from texts to integer lists tours = [] for text in texts: try: tour = [int(n) for n in text.strip().split()] except ValueError as e: error = f'could not convert text to node index: {repr(e)}' raise exceptions.ParsingError(error) else: tours.append(tour) return tours
[docs] def render(self, tours): """Render the tours as text. :param list tours: tours to render :return: rendered text :rtype: str """ if not tours: return '' tour_strings = [] for tour in tours: if tour: tour_string = ' '.join(str(i) for i in tour) tour_strings.append(f'{tour_string} -1') if tour_strings: tour_strings += ['-1'] return '\n'.join(tour_strings)