Source code for tsplib95.transformers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from . import bisep
from . import exceptions
from . import utils

__all__ = [

[docs]class Transformer: """Reusable transformer between text and data."""
[docs] def parse(self, text): """Return the value of the text. :param str text: the text :return: the value :raises ~tsplib95.exceptions.ParsingError: if the text cannot be parsed into a value """ return text
[docs] def render(self, value): """Return the text for the value. :param str value: the value :return: the text """ if value is None: return '' return str(value)
[docs] def validate(self, value): """Validate the value. :param value: the value """
[docs]class FuncT(Transformer): """Transformer that simply wraps a parsing function. The parsing function must accept a single positional argument for the text to parse. It must parse and return the value. Values are rendered back into values using the builtin :func:`str`, so it's generally best to use this for primitives. :param callable func: parsing function """ def __init__(self, *, func): super().__init__() self.func = func
[docs] def parse(self, text): try: return self.func(text) except Exception as e: raise exceptions.ParsingError.wrap(e, 'func transformer error')
[docs]class NumberT(Transformer): """Transformer for any number, int or float."""
[docs] def parse(self, text): for func in (int, float): try: return func(text) except ValueError: pass error = f'could not convert text to number: {text}' raise exceptions.ParsingError(error)
[docs]class ContainerT(Transformer): """Transformer that acts as a generic container. :param value: transformer for each item :type value: :class:`~tsplib95.transformers.Transformer` :param str sep: separator between items :param str terminal: text that marks the end :param bool terminal_required: whether the terminal is required :param int size: required number of items :param bool filter_empty: filter out empty items (zero-length/blank) """ def __init__(self, *, value=None, sep=None, terminal=None, terminal_required=True, size=None, filter_empty=True): self.child_tf = value or Transformer() self.sep = bisep.from_value(sep) self.terminal = terminal self.terminal_required = terminal_required self.size = size self.filter_empty = filter_empty
[docs] def parse(self, text): """Parse the text into a container of items. :param str text: the text to parse :return: container """ # start without unpredictable whitespace text = text.strip() # if we have a terminal, make sure it's there and remove it if self.terminal: if not text.endswith(self.terminal) and self.terminal_required: raise exceptions.ParsingError(f'must end with {self.terminal}, ' # noqa: E501 f'not "{text[-len(self.terminal):]}"') # noqa: E501 text = text[:-len(self.terminal)].strip() # split the whole text into multiple texts try: texts = self.split_items(text) except Exception as e: context = 'could not split the text' raise exceptions.ParsingError.wrap(e, context) # filter out the empties, or don't; it's configurable if self.filter_empty: texts = list(filter(None, texts)) # if specified, make sure there's no terminal somwhere in the middle if self.terminal is not None: try: index = texts.index(self.terminal) except ValueError: pass # happy path else: # uh-oh, found one, so raise an exception with the extra items extra = texts[index + 1:] error = (f'found {len(extra)} extra items after terminal ' f'{repr(self.terminal)}, first is {repr(extra[0])}') raise exceptions.ParsingError(error) # parse the texts into items, catching all errors by index items = [] errors = [] for i, text in enumerate(texts): try: item = self.parse_item(text) except Exception as e: errors.append(f'item.{i}=>{repr(e)}') else: items.append(item) # join and report any errors if errors: error = utils.friendly_join(errors, limit=3) raise exceptions.ParsingError(error) # if the size is specified, make sure its right if self.size and len(items) != self.size: error = f'expected {self.size} items, found {len(items)}' raise exceptions.ParsingError(error) # finally, pack the items into a container and return it return self.pack(items)
[docs] def render(self, container): """Render the container into text. :param container: container to render :return: text """ # unpack the items from the container and render them items = self.unpack(container) rendered = list(self.render_item(i) for i in items) # if there is a terminal, append it if self.terminal: rendered.append(self.terminal) # return the rendered items joined together return self.join_items(rendered)
[docs] def parse_item(self, text): """Parse the text into a single item. :param str text: the text to parse :return: container """ return self.child_tf.parse(text)
[docs] def render_item(self, item): """Render the item into text. :param item: item to render :return: text """ return self.child_tf.render(item)
[docs] def split_items(self, text): """Split the text into multiple items. :param str text: text to split :return: muliple items :rtype: list """ return self.sep.split(text)
[docs] def join_items(self, items): """Join zero or more items into a single text. :param list items: items to join :return: joined text :rtype: str """ return self.sep.join(items)
[docs] def pack(self, items): """Pack the given items into a container. :param list items: items to pack :return: container with items in it """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def unpack(self, container): """Unpack items from the container. :param container: container with items in it :return: items from container :rtype: list """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class ListT(ContainerT): """Transformer for a list of items."""
[docs] def pack(self, items): return list(items)
[docs] def unpack(self, container): return list(container)
[docs]class MapT(ContainerT): """Transformer for a key-value mapping of items. :param str kv_sep: separator between keys and values :param key: transformer for the keys :type key: :class:`~tsplib95.transformers.Transformer` """ def __init__(self, *, kv_sep=None, key=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.key_tf = key or Transformer() self.kv_sep = bisep.from_value(kv_sep)
[docs] def parse_item(self, text): # split the text into a key and value try: key, value = self.kv_sep.split(text, maxsplit=1) except ValueError: raise exceptions.ParsingError('expected key-value pair') # parse each and return a parsed key-value tuple return self.parse_key(key), self.parse_value(value)
[docs] def render_item(self, item): # render the key and value k, v = item key = self.render_key(k) value = self.render_value(v) # return them joined return self.kv_sep.join([key, value])
[docs] def parse_key(self, text): """Parse the text into a key. :param str text: the text to parse :return: key """ return self.key_tf.parse(text)
[docs] def render_key(self, key): """Render the key into text. :param key: the key to render :return: text :rtype: str """ return self.key_tf.render(key)
[docs] def parse_value(self, text): """Parse the text into a value. :param str text: the text to parse :return: value """ return self.child_tf.parse(text)
[docs] def render_value(self, value): """Render the value into text. :param value: the value to render :return: text :rtype: str """ return self.child_tf.render(value)
[docs] def pack(self, items): return {k: v for k, v in items}
[docs] def unpack(self, container): return container.items()
[docs]class UnionT(Transformer): def __init__(self, *tfs, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.transformers = tfs
[docs] def parse(self, text): errors = [] for tf in self.transformers: try: return tf.parse(text) except Exception as e: errors.append(f'{tf.__class__.__qualname__}=>{repr(e)}') raise exceptions.ParsingError('no transformer in the union could ' 'parse the text, resulting in the ' 'following errors: ' f'{utils.friendly_join(errors)}')
[docs] def render(self, value): errors = [] for tf in self.transformers: try: return tf.render(value) except Exception as e: errors.append(f'{tf.__class__.__qualname__}=>{repr(e)}') raise exceptions.RenderingError('no transformer in the union could ' 'render the value, resulting in the ' 'following errors: ' f'{utils.friendly_join(errors)}')