Source code for tsplib95.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import math

from . import parser
from . import models

[docs]def load_problem(filepath, special=None): """Load a problem at the given filepath. :param str filepath: path to a TSPLIB problem file :param callable special: special/custom distance function :return: problem instance :rtype: :class:`~Problem` """ with open(filepath) as f: return load_problem_fromstring(
[docs]def load_solution(filepath): """Load a solution at the given filepath. :param str filepath: path to a TSPLIB solution file :return: solution instance :rtype: :class:`~Solution` """ with open(filepath) as f: return load_solution_fromstring(
[docs]def load_unknown(filepath): """Load any TSPLIB file. This is particularly useful when you do not know in advance whether the file contains a problem or a solution. :param str filepath: path to a TSPLIB problem file :return: either a problem or solution instance """ with open(filepath) as f: return load_unknown_fromstring(
[docs]def load_problem_fromstring(text, special=None): """Load a problem from raw text. :param str text: text of a TSPLIB problem :param callable special: special/custom distance function :return: problem instance :rtype: :class:`~Problem` """ data = parser.parse(text) return models.Problem(special=special, **data)
[docs]def load_solution_fromstring(text): """Load a solution from raw text. :param str text: text of a TSPLIB solution :return: solution instance :rtype: :class:`~Solution` """ data = parser.parse(text) return models.Solution(**data)
[docs]def load_unknown_fromstring(text): """Load any problem/solution from raw text. This is particularly useful when you do not know in advance whether the file contains a problem or a solution. :param str text: text of a TSPLIB problem/solution :return: either a problem or solution instance """ data = parser.parse(text) if data['TYPE'] == 'TOUR': return models.Solution(**data) return models.Problem(**data)
[docs]def parse_degrees(coord): """Parse an encoded geocoordinate value into real degrees. :param float coord: encoded geocoordinate value :return: real degrees :rtype: float """ degrees = nint(coord) minutes = coord - degrees return degrees + minutes * 5 / 3
[docs]def nint(x): """Round a value to an integer. :param float x: original value :return: rounded integer :rtype: int """ return int(x + 0.5)
def icost(x): return int(100 * x + 0.5) def deltas(start, end): return (e - s for e, s in zip(end, start)) class RadianGeo: def __init__(self, coord): x, y = coord = self.__class__.parse_component(x) self.lng = self.__class__.parse_component(y) @staticmethod def parse_component(component): return math.radians(parse_degrees(component)) def _int_sum(n, memo={}): if n not in memo: s = n * (n + 1) // 2 memo[n] = s return memo[n] def integer_sum(n, m=None): s = _int_sum(n) if m: s -= _int_sum(m) return s def pairwise(indexes): starts = list(indexes) ends = list(indexes) ends += [ends.pop(0)] return zip(starts, ends)