Source code for tsplib95.models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import itertools

import networkx

from . import matrix
from . import distances
from . import utils

[docs]class File: """Base file format type. This class isn't meant to be used directly. It contains the common keyword values among all formats. Note that all information is optional. Missing information values are set to None. See the official TSPLIB_ documentation for more details. * ``name`` - NAME * ``comment`` - COMMENT * ``type`` - TYPE * ``dimension`` - DIMENSION .. _TSPLIB: """ # noqa: E501 def __init__(self, **kwargs): = kwargs.get('NAME') self.comment = kwargs.get('COMMENT') self.type = kwargs.get('TYPE') self.dimension = kwargs.get('DIMENSION')
[docs]class Solution(File): """A TSPLIB solution file containing one or more tours to a problem. * ``name`` - NAME * ``comment`` - COMMENT * ``type`` - TYPE * ``dimension`` - DIMENSION * ``tours`` - TOUR_SECTION The length of a solution is the number of tours it contains. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) = kwargs.get('TOUR_SECTION') def __len__(self): return len(
[docs]class Problem(File): """A TSPLIB problem file. Provides a python-friendly way to access the fields of a TSPLIB probem. The fields are mapped as follows: * ``name`` - NAME * ``comment`` - COMMENT * ``type`` - TYPE * ``dimension`` - DIMENSION * ``capacity`` - CAPACITY * ``edge_weight_type`` - EDGE_WEIGHT_TYPE * ``edge_weight_format`` - EDGE_WEIGHT_FORMAT * ``edge_data_format`` - EDGE_DATA_FORMAT * ``node_coord_type`` - NODE_COORD_TYPE * ``display_data_type`` - DISPLAY_DATA_TYPE * ``depots`` - DEPOT_SECTION * ``demands`` - DEMAND_SECTION * ``node_coords`` - NODE_COORD_SECTION * ``edge_weights`` - EDGE_WEIGHT_SECTION * ``display_data`` - DISPLAY_DATA_SECTION * ``edge_data`` - EDGE_DATA_SECTION * ``fixed_edges`` - FIXED_EDGES_SECTION For problems that require a special distance function, you must set the special function in one of two ways: .. code-block:: python >>> problem = Problem(special=func, ...) # at creation time >>> problem.special = func # on existing problem Special distance functions are ignored for explicit problems but are required for some. Regardless of problem type or specification, the weight of the edge between two nodes given by index can always be found using ``wfunc``. For example, to get the weight of the edge between nodes 13 and 6: .. code-block:: python >>> problem.wfunc(13, 6) 87 The length of a problem is the number of nodes it contains. """ def __init__(self, special=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.capacity = kwargs.get('CAPACITY') # specification self.edge_weight_type = kwargs.get('EDGE_WEIGHT_TYPE') self.edge_weight_format = kwargs.get('EDGE_WEIGHT_FORMAT') self.edge_data_format = kwargs.get('EDGE_DATA_FORMAT') self.node_coord_type = kwargs.get('NODE_COORD_TYPE') self.display_data_type = kwargs.get('DISPLAY_DATA_TYPE') # data self.depots = kwargs.get('DEPOT_SECTION', set()) self.demands = kwargs.get('DEMAND_SECTION', dict()) self.node_coords = kwargs.get('NODE_COORD_SECTION', dict()) self.edge_weights = kwargs.get('EDGE_WEIGHT_SECTION') self.display_data = kwargs.get('DISPLAY_DATA_SECTION', dict()) self.edge_data = kwargs.get('EDGE_DATA_SECTION') self.fixed_edges = kwargs.get('FIXED_EDGES_SECTION', set()) self.wfunc = None self.special = special def __len__(self): return self.dimension @property def special(self): """Special distance function""" return self._special @special.setter def special(self, func): """Set the special distance function. Special/custom distance functions must accept two coordinates of appropriate dimension and return the distance between them. Note that this has no effect if the problem defines weights explicitly. :param callable func: custom distance function """ self._special = func self.wfunc = self._create_wfunc(special=func)
[docs] def is_explicit(self): """Return True if the problem specifies explicit edge weights. :rtype: bool """ return self.edge_weight_type == 'EXPLICIT'
[docs] def is_full_matrix(self): """Return True if the problem is specified as a full matrix. :rtype: bool """ return self.edge_weight_format == 'FULL_MATRIX'
[docs] def is_weighted(self): """Return True if the problem has weighted edges. :rtype: bool """ return bool(self.edge_weight_format) or bool(self.edge_weight_type)
[docs] def is_special(self): """Return True if the problem requires a special distance function. :rtype: bool """ return self.edge_weight_type == 'SPECIAL'
[docs] def is_complete(self): """Return True if the problem specifies a complete graph. :rtype: bool """ return not bool(self.edge_data_format)
[docs] def is_symmetric(self): """Return True if the problem is not asymmetrical. Note that even if this method returns False there is no guarantee that there are any two nodes with an asymmetrical distance between them. :rtype: bool """ return not self.is_full_matrix() and not self.is_special()
[docs] def is_depictable(self): """Return True if the problem is designed to be depicted. :rtype: bool """ if bool(self.display_data): return True if self.display_data_type == 'NO_DISPLAY': return False return bool(self.node_coords)
[docs] def trace_tours(self, solution): """Calculate the total weights of the tours in the given solution. :param solution: solution with tours to trace :type solution: :class:`~Solution` :return: one or more tour weights :rtype: list """ solutions = [] for tour in weight = sum(self.wfunc(i, j) for i, j in utils.pairwise(tour)) solutions.append(weight) return solutions
def _create_wfunc(self, special=None): # smooth out the differences between explicit and calculated problems if self.is_explicit(): matrix = self._create_explicit_matrix() return lambda i, j: matrix[i, j] else: return self._create_distance_function(special=special) def _create_distance_function(self, special=None): # wrap a distance function so that it takes node indexes, not coords if self.is_special(): if special is None: raise Exception('missing needed special weight function') wfunc = special elif self.is_weighted(): wfunc = distances.TYPES[self.edge_weight_type] else: return lambda i, j: 1 def adapter(i, j): return wfunc(self.node_coords[i], self.node_coords[j]) return adapter def _create_explicit_matrix(self): # instantiate the right matrix class for the problem m = min(self.get_nodes()) Matrix = matrix.TYPES[self.edge_weight_format] return Matrix(self.edge_weights, self.dimension, min_index=m)
[docs] def get_nodes(self): """Return an iterator over the nodes. :return: nodes :rtype: iter """ if self.node_coords: return iter(self.node_coords) elif self.display_data: return iter(self.display_data) else: return iter(range(self.dimension))
[docs] def get_edges(self): """Return an iterator over the edges. :return: edges :rtype: iter """ if self.edge_data_format == 'EDGE_LIST': yield from self.edge_data elif self.edge_data_format == 'ADJ_LIST': for i, adj in self.edge_data.items(): yield from ((i, j) for j in adj) else: yield from itertools.product(self.get_nodes(), self.get_nodes())
[docs] def get_display(self, i): """Return the display data for node at index *i*, if available. :param int i: node index :return: display data for node i """ if self.is_depictable(): try: return self.display_data[i] except (KeyError, TypeError): return self.node_coords[i] else: return None
[docs] def get_graph(self, normalize=False): """Return a networkx graph instance representing the problem. The metadata of the problem is associated with the graph itself. Additional problem information is associated with the nodes and edges. For example: .. code-block:: python >>> G.graph {'name': None, 'comment': '14-Staedte in Burma (Zaw Win)', 'type': 'TSP', 'dimension': 14, 'capacity': None} >>> G.nodes[1] {'coord': (16.47, 96.1), 'display': None, 'demand': None, 'is_depot': False} >>> G.edges[1, 2] {'weight': 2, 'is_fixed': False} If the graph is not symmetric then a :class:`networkx.DiGraph` is returned. Optionally, the nodes can be renamed to be sequential and zero-indexed. :param bool normalize: rename nodes to be zero-indexed :return: graph :rtype: :class:`networkx.Graph` """ G = networkx.Graph() if self.is_symmetric() else networkx.DiGraph() G.graph['name'] = G.graph['comment'] = self.comment G.graph['type'] = self.type G.graph['dimension'] = self.dimension G.graph['capacity'] = self.capacity # set up a map from original node name to new node name nodes = list(self.get_nodes()) if normalize: names = {n: i for i, n in enumerate(nodes)} else: names = {n: n for n in nodes} for n in nodes: is_depot = n in self.depots G.add_node(names[n], coord=self.node_coords.get(n), display=self.display_data.get(n), demand=self.demands.get(n), is_depot=is_depot) for a, b in self.get_edges(): weight = self.wfunc(a, b) is_fixed = (a, b) in self.fixed_edges G.add_edge(names[a], names[b], weight=weight, is_fixed=is_fixed) return G